Hey guys.My name is Nur hanani husna.Or should I say //H:Hanani.Welcome to my page.I lived at Teluk kumbar.Pulau pinang.Tak tao.Pergi cari dekat Google Maps.I loved blogging.I loved eating.That's why I'm a "fat" girl.Haha.Cewah takdelah.Buncit jerk.Haha.Pown takdew.Tipu jerk.I loved everything.I'm 13 years old.Study at ?Let's just be a secret between me and myself okay!Nothing special about me.I hope you loved the tutorial that I gave you.And I hope it works.Don't be shy to ask me or follow me ! I love eating Tutty Fruitty.Betol tak eje tuh.Hek ! Lantaklah.So what ? Who cares.Sape suke.Angkat tangan jugak.Hep.Behave yourself here okay.Don't do stupid thing that will make me mad at you!Hate copycate.Stay away if you want to steal.I'm a hot-tempered.Cewah.Mane adew.Baik jerk.Sentiase cool.Tapi kalau dah melebihi tahap.Yeah ! I'll be it.FYI , No harsh words are using in this blog.If you want to ask.Ask me properly.I believe you did go to school right.Yeah.Let's rock and roll at my blog.Boleh tapi kalau ambek or use my tutorial or my freebies or anything that I gave you.Don't forget to tell me if you're lazy to credits me.Okay.Do we have the deal ? My blog exist since-Read at sidebar section.Naniey akan sentiasa update status and mood Naniey so korunk akan lebih memahami situation Naniey.Nie sebab kes kes khas seperti kalau korunk nak tau Naniey dalam mood nak buat tutor ke or what !Naniey tak kisah nak dipanggil ape.But make sure the good one okay.Please respect mine and I'll recpect yours.Anybody who wants me to follow them.Sure of course.I can do it.But please let me knew at cbox.It's not that hard to leave me just one tini tiny message right ?One more thing,Kalau nak tinggalkan jejak tuh.Biarlah link yang and pakai.Tidak diprivate.Senang kate yang betol betol wujud okay !Kalau nak request tutor or whatever,boleh tanya di cbox or my facebook or my formspring or my twitter okay.I have a lot of account that you could ask me at !So don't be shy.Kalau Suhaila boleh jawab.Hanani bwad.Kalau tak Naniey akan cakap.Tapi jangan tanye yang pelik pelik okay.Lagi satu.Banyak juga hek yang tanye pasal blogskin.Ah ! Actually Naniey tak pandai sangat blogskin.Kalau nak tau lebih lanjut, you all can contact Lettha.She is more expert than me kalau dalam hal blogskin nie smua.Ape ape pown.Hope korunk enjoy dengan Blog //H:Hanani